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real time style transfer


  1. Style transfer is a computer vision technique that allows us to recompose the content of an image in the style of another.
  2. If you’ve ever imagined what a photo might look like if it were painted by a famous artist, then style transfer is the computer vision technique that turns this into a reality
  3. But how does style transfer actually work? What are the different approaches, what are its potential benefits and limitations, and how might you use it in your business?
  4. In this guide, you’ll find answers to all of those questions and more.
  5. Whether you’re an experienced machine learning engineer considering implementation, a developer wanting to learn more, or a product manager looking to explore what’s possible with computer vision and style transfer, this guide is for you

What is style transfer used for ?

  1. Style transfer is a computer vision technique that allows us to recompose the content of an image in the style of another.
  2. If you’ve ever imagined what a photo might look like if it were painted by a famous artist, then style transfer is the computer vision technique that turns this into a reality.

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by Devansh Shukla

"AI Tamil Nadu formely known as AI Coimbatore is a close-Knit community initiative by Navaneeth with a goal to offer world-class AI education to anyone in Tamilnadu for free."